Physics 1C detailed description

Physics 1C "Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Magnetism, Electrodynamics, Optics, and Special Relativity," 5 units

Lecture/demonstration, four hours; discussion, one hour. Enforced requisites: courses 1A, 1B, Mathematics 32A, 32B. Enforced corequisite: Mathematics 33A. Magnetic fields, Ampere's law, Faraday's law, inductance, and alternating current circuits. Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves, light, geometrical optics, interference and diffraction. Special relativity. P/NP or letter grading.

The topics covered in this class and approximate schedules are listed below. Chapters listed are from Young and Freedman (Sears and Zemansky's) University Physics, 14th edition.

If a course is taught using the online Kudu textbook, homework, and clicker system, the recommended Kudu course is "UCLA Physics 1C", which covers the same topics.

Week Chapters Topics covered Optional sections
1 27 Magnetic fields and magnetic forces 27.9 Hall effect
2 28 Sources of magnetic fields 28.8 Magnetic materials
3 29 Electromagnetic induction, Faraday's law 29.8 Superconductivity
4 30, 31 Inductance, alternating current (AC) circuits
5 32 Electromagnetic waves including Maxwell's equations 32.5 Standing EM waves
6 33 The nature and propagation of light 33.6 Scattering of light, 33.7 Huygens's principle
7 34 Geometrical optics 34.3 Refraction at a Spherical Surface, 34.4 Thin lenses, 34.8 Microscopes and telescopes
8 35, 36 Interference, diffraction 35.5 The Michelson interferometer, 36.3 Intensity for single slit, 36.5 (Grating spectrograph part), 36.6 X-ray diffraction, 36.7 Circular apertures and resolving power, 36.8 Holography
9 37.1-37.5 Special relativity up to the Lorentz transform
10 Special topics (as time/interest of instructor permits), for example:
  • Special relativity: 37.6-37.8 Doppler shift, momentum, work, energy
  • Deriving magnetic field from special relativity
  • Intro to differential forms of Maxwell's equations
  • Solving circuits with complex numbers
  • Spacetime diagrams, light cones and causality

Click here for Physics 1A

Click here for Physics 1B